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BBFF Confidence Pick Em Pool!
BBFF subscribers have a chance to compete against each other—and Mikey—in an NFL Confidence Pick Em Pool. Here's how it works!
Every week, pick who you think will win every game
Assign "confidence points" (1-16) to each game, using each point only once per week
Example: you think Green Bay will whoop Chicago (duh), use high confidence points like 14-15-16 etc.​
Example: you're can't decide who will win Tennessee vs New Orleans, use low confidence points like 1-2-3 etc.
Hosted on Yahoo
Cost to enter is $5. Winner at the end of the year will receive a BBFF tee shirt of their choice! And depending on how many entries we get, there may be more prizes!
👇 Ready to Sign Up?! 👇
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